March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

My favorite thing about St. Patrick's Day are shamrocks.  It started when a friend from highschool's mother gave me a plant.  I had it for several years until I moved into my current home almost 10 years ago. 

For some reason, I could never find the right lighting.  So, every year I would buy a shamrock plant in hopes one would take off.  Every year I would hold out while only three leaves were left.  And finally giving in to my husband's request to just throw it away, I would.  It finally got so bad each year that he would question why I even bought the plant.

But, there is something about them.  I love how the leaves close at night and open in the day.  Finally, two years ago my friend's mother from college gave me another Oxalis (Shamrock) plant.  It had been growing outside, and she suggested I split it apart and plant one in a pot and one in the ground both outside.  It worked!

Each day I walk by the front door, I always smile.  It makes me so happy.  Here is mine.

There are hundreds of different varities.  According to Martha Stewart they are easy to grow.  But, in this desert climate it has been a little challenging.  I planted mine on my front porch facing north.  It is in mainly shade and that seems to be the trick for my house.

What do you enjoy growing?

Hope you find the gold at the end
of your rainbow!

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