I am so excited to announce my latest featured shop owner,
Liz with Blue Eyed Owl
I feel so honored she is sharing her shop with us and she is offering an amazing giveaway!
What products do you make/sell?
I dabble in a bit of everything. In my online shop, I sell handmade accessories and jewelry, as well as vintage fashion and home décor. In my retail space I sell handmade home décor including hand painted vintage furniture. I love to paint old pieces bright, off-beat colors to give them new life.
What inspired you to start creating/getting involved with selling vintage items?
I have always been a creative soul. When I was teaching kindergarten, 110% of me went into my job. I didn’t really have time to pursue anything outside of my 9 to 5. When I “retired” at the ripe old age of 26 to stay home with my family, I began to explore my creative side and The Blue Eyed Owl was born. The vintage side of the business came naturally from my inner history geek.
What medium do you like working most with?
I’m fabric & color obsessed. I have used a lot of different kinds but my current obsession is pretty felt. I buy mine from Giant Dwarf on Etsy. They have the prettiest colors! I also love using vintage buttons and lace in new designs.
What time of day do you work best?
I get the most done while my daughter is at school. I am up and on the computer starting my day at 6:30 and I generally burn out around 5:00. I am most productive when my coffee is working it’s magic in the morning. I try to keep the evenings as family time, but my laptop or glue gun make the occasional appearance.
What room do you do your creating?
My husband is amazing and has let me convert our whole formal living/dining area into a studio. I’ve also taken over the backyard with my furniture and painting.
What is your favorite organization tip/ tool?
I go through phases of being really unorganized and then I can’t stand it anymore and go crazy getting everything together. I will say, I would probably fall apart if it were not for my google calendar and my trusty notebook. I love a good ol’ pencil and paper to-do list.
What tip can you give others interested in making/selling similar items?
BE PATIENT! It takes a long time to see a profit. For the first 6-9 months I had to put all my profits plus a lot of my own money back into the business to help it grow. It’s hard but well worth the wait.
What is your day job?
The Blue Eyed Owl is my full time job but momma and CEO of the Ekstrom house are
my titles as well.
Describe your ideal weekend.
Shopping, cooking, crafting, football and family.
What other activities do you enjoy?
I love to travel, try new recipes, and have girl’s nights and time relaxing with my little family.
What is your sweetest memory from childhood?
I have so many! Probably the time spent at my family vacation home in Pinetop, AZ. We still go up several times a year. It’s my happy place.
Where are your favorite places to find your vintage items?
I am a thriftaholic, with no plans of recovering. I also love flea markets, estate sales and
antique malls. There are so many good places around my home.
What is your favorite item in your shop and why?
I’m launching my new holiday line this week. My favorite items from the line are my felt
bows. They are so fun to make and I love the color combos.
What is easier - selling your items in your retail shop or on-line?
Good question. I actually find that doing craft shows and vintage sales bring me the
most profit. Online and retail are about the same. There are a lot of overhead costs in
retail; space rental, commission, etc. Online takes more time; photographs, listing,
shipping, etc.
Now the exciting part - Liz is offering a $20.00 SHOP CREDIT to her Etsy shop!
Mandatory Entries. Leave a separate comment for each task:
1. Follow the Blue Eyed Owl on her Blog - Blog
2. Follow the Sweetest Memory on this Blog - Blog
Bonus Entries. Leave a separate comment for each task. That's 3 extra chances to win!
3. "Like" the Sweetest Memory on Facebook, and leave a comment that you are
participating in this giveaway. - Facebook
4. "Like" the Blue Eyed Owl on Facebook, and leave a comment that you are
participating in this giveaway. - Facebook
5. Visit the Blue Eyed Owl on Etsy and let her know what you would get with your
credit - Etsy Shop
Instructions: Leave a separate comment for each task. Entries due by Friday, Dec 9th at 10:00pm, MST. Winner will be chosen using Random.org. Winner of Giveaway will be announced Dec 10th! Thanks for participating!
I am offering a 15% OFF discount to my ETSY Shop through Dec 9th! Just enter BEOGIVE15 at checkout.
Want to have your shop featured in "Sweet Shop"? Just email me for details. thesweetestmemory@cox.net